Category Archives: Animals

They’re coming out

After our long cold spell, now that it’s warmed up, the animals seem to want to get out of confinement. This occurs at our discretion, or not, in case of the goats that now can just jump over the fence due to the rising bedding height. And when goats get out, nothing is safe. They will climb on and try eating almost anything, even if it’s to their own detriment. It appears goats and humans have a shared weakness…

Goat to Go


Trunk Goat

Animals and Winter

We’ve recently had some colder weather and I’ve noticed that the different species seem to take in stride the temperatures swings. I’m amazed that with the same “covering” they adapt so well.


















And the ducks amaze me, hanging out in the freezing cold water…


It seems as long as the cows and horses have enough to eat they stay warm and happy.


Turkey in the Straw

We haven’t had green grass for a few weeks now, so when the chickens and turkeys discovered the volunteer barley growing in the high tunnel they were excited! This was not planned; a combination of my combine not getting all of the grain out of the straw and me getting the straw mulch on early enough and having mild enough weather to make the barley sprout. It’s actually a great idea that I plan on continuing in the future.

In memory of the turkeys…

Most are sufficiently removed from the farm setting that having an animal one day and not having it the next is not part of the reality of eating a nice meal that includes meat. For our 10 heritage breed turkeys and some of our stew hens the coup de grâce is now a fate accompli! Karen vows no more turkeys. They become too much a part of us and it’s too hard to part with them…

We hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and don’t forget to give thanks for the turkey!


Winter Has Arrived (or the farming party is over)

Although this is not our first snow of the season, this is looking quite serious. Not to complain, we have had several unseasonably warm November days as of late. I was layering up in the mornings only to be down to a t-shirt by mid-day. It’s no coincidence that with the snow comes more time to focus on other things, like creating and maintaining a new blog…